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CHS PTA’s Parents Forum: Safety

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As many of us know, the City of Portland is experiencing an unprecedented houseless crisis and the Cleveland High School community is no stranger to these sights. Unfortunately, there have been reports of unsavory activities from the encampments and vehicles that have settled around CHS. Areas of greatest concern include the walk between CHS and the Athletic Field, and the Athletic Field itself.

On Wednesday, September 29th, at 7:00 pm, the CHS PTA will hold its first Parents Forum with a focus on Safety in our Community. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a forum to voice safety concerns and find commonalities among them in order to arrive at creative, sustainable solutions.

Please join us this evening if you would like to speak on this topic.

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Meeting ID: 893 3787 7089
Passcode: 254979
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Meeting ID: 893 3787 7089
Passcode: 254979
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Contact the CHS PTA if you would like to speak.

See it! Report it! Here’s how to officially report camps to the City: 

  1. Online: 

  2. By phone: call 3-1-1, non-emergency

Criminal activity/behavior can be reported directly to Police online at:

To help find services for someone in need visit: Multnomah County Department of Human Services information.


If you and your family are experiencing homelessness, call 211info toll-free by dialing 2-1-1 and learn about available services including emergency and transitional housing as well as support services to assist with permanent housing.

Earlier Event: September 22
CHS PTA General Meeting, Sept 22, 2021