This live Q&A Panel Discussion is a wide-ranging session geared toward families entering CHS. Questions can range from, what do kids do during lunch? to homework/academic questions? to social/emotional supports, and beyond.
Have your questions ready and written down if you can.
HYBRID-MEETING: Due to limited seating, on-location participation is by invite only. All others will participate via ZOOM.
MODERATOR: CHS PTA Vice President, Amy Lewin
Principal Jo Ann Wadkins,
Counselor Heidi Tolentino,
Counselor Amanda Weber-Welch,
CHS Foundation President and Parent Christina Marcoules,
Teacher and Instructional Coach John Golden. Oversees freshman academies
CHS Student Body Co-President, Moxie Thompson
District Student Council Representative, Byronie McMahon
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Meeting ID: 835 4587 8643
Passcode: 742586
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