CHS PTA Board Member Elections are Wed, May 25th. 💚💛
To maintain our PTA "Unit in Good Standing" status, we must have a President, Treasurer, and Secretary. And guess what folks, all these Executive Board Member positions are open! And so are several Board-Member-At-Large spots.
If you're thinking you'd like to help out at Cleveland High School next year, then now is the time to raise your hand, and let us know of your intention to run. We would love to speak with you.
For more information, or to make your candidacy known, reach out to our Chair of Board Recruitment and CHS PTA Vice President, Amy Lewin at
#elections #boardmembers
#PTA #CHSPTA #CHS #volunteer #clevelandhighschool #community #highschool #parents #portland #PDX #weareportland #PPS
CHS PTA: January 19, 2022 General Meeting and Board Member Check-in
(Portland, OR) The January 2022 General Meeting begins with Cleveland High School PTA President Melissa Toledo introducing Cleveland High School Principal JoAnn Wadkins and her Principal's Report. This is followed by several Board Member reports. Afterward, the camera is turned off and Board Members hung around for the January Board Member check-in.
Items on our Agenda included our Treasurers Report, Membership update, Volunteer update, Student Clubs & Affinity Group Grants update, Senior Party update, Rose Festival Princess update, and the Spring Fundraiser update.
Click here to watch the General Meeting on our YouTube channel, CHS PTA.
Check emails Monday morning for the CHS PTA’s eNews. It’s full of announcements from the CHS community. Submissions for eNews are Noon on Fridays
Look out for Volunteer Opportunities like Campus Greeters
Stay up-to-date with the latest happenings ... follow us on Instagram at clevelandhspta and Facebook at chsfamilies
Let’s all do our part to keep Cleveland open and safe for everyone. Please wear your masks and social distance properly when at school.
Next PTA General Meeting: Wednesday, February 16, 2022
- CHS PTA President Melissa Toledo,
- CHS Principal JoAnn Wadkins,
CHS PTA General Meeting. September 22, 2021
(Portland, OR) The first general meeting of the school year was conducted hybrid-style ... held on location at Cleveland High School and on ZOOM. Amongst the participants were CHS Principal JoAnn Wadkins and CHS PTA President Melissa Toledo.