Mental Health and Emergency Resources for CHS Families during the extended school closure

Mental Health and Emergency Resources for CHS Families during the School Closure

Parents please remember: stressed out adults have a hard time de-stressing youth. Parents need to do their best to remain calm, composed, and role model healthy self-care. Our immune system can become compromised when we are stressed out and lacking sleep.

Mental Health Resources

School Counselors and Social Workers at Cleveland High School act as first responders when it comes to mental health support, assessment and treatment. School closures affect student’s access to this professional support. If you know your student is suffering from a mental health condition such as anxiety or depression, parents are urged to be extra vigilant at this time.

1. Discuss a communication plan with your child and keep in touch with them during the day if you can’t be home with them.

2. Make sure they have a trusted ADULT to contact during the day if you are not available.

3. Ensure that prescriptions are up-to-date and filled, if applicable.

4. If self-harm or suicidal thinking is a concern, post crisis line resources at your home and make sure your child knows them.

· Multnomah County Crisis Line: 503-988-4888

· Oregon Youth Line: Text “teen2teen” to 839863

· National Suicide Prevention Hotlines:

English 800-273-8255

Spanish 800-628-9454

5. If your child is experiencing a mental health emergency bring them to your closest ER or Urgent Care clinic. · Cascadia Walk In Clinic 4212 SE Division, 503-963-2575

Student Health Center Resources:

Franklin HS Student Health Center (closest open Multnomah County Health Department clinic for youth):  Student Health Centers are located at schools across Multnomah County. You don’t need to attend the school where the center is located.  Any youth in grades K-12 who live or go to school in Multnomah County can access these clinics.

Food/Emergency Resources: 

PPS will be providing meals during this week’s school closure.  The closest location for many Cleveland families with be Franklin HS.  Click here for details.

If you need help with basic resources please click here for a list of local food pantries from Oregon Food Bank or call or text 211 (TXT211).

We welcome support from any community member that has financial resources and is able to donate gift cards for needy families to Target, Safeway, Walmart or any other store of your choice anytime before Friday March 20. Email is the preferred method of delivery to Kate Allen school social worker so these can be emailed directly to families in need. In addition if you are a family in need please email the school social worker to request a gift card donated by the CHS community before Friday March 20.


The Cleveland High School PTA financially supports the CHS Food Pantry and Emergency Assistance resources. If you are able, an extra donation at this time will allow our support to go further. Please use this link to the PTA donation page.